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GameCryptographyKey “C238xs65pjy7HU9Q”
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public class Authentication { public String Server; public String Username; public String Password; public String MacAddress; public Authentication(Byte[] Buffer) { if (BitConverter.ToUInt16(Buffer, 0) == 312) { if (BitConverter.ToUInt16(Buffer, 2) == 1952) { BinaryReader BR = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(Buffer)); BR.BaseStream.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current); Username = Encoding.Default.GetString(BR.ReadBytes(16)).Replace(“\0“, “”); BR.ReadBytes(52); Byte SizePassword = BR.ReadByte(); Password = PasswordDecryption.Decrypt(BR.ReadBytes(32), SizePassword); BR.ReadBytes(31); Server = Encoding.Default.GetString(BR.ReadBytes(16)).Replace(“\0“, “”); MacAddress = Encoding.Default.GetString(BR.ReadBytes(16)).Replace(“\0“, “”); BR.Close(); } } } } private class PasswordDecryption { static Byte[] Own_Key = new Byte[32] { 90, 17, 149, 66, 219, 255, 251, 70, 166, 196, 18, 119, 53, 86, 200, 80, 163, 238, 137, 46, 10, 56, 158, 100, 64, 26, 88, 207, 239, 167, 123, 88 }; static Byte[] Tow_Key = new Byte[32] { 88, 254, 246, 138, 126, 226, 64, 156, 140, 89, 90, 28, 108, 196, 28, 62, 23, 161, 92, 192, 94, 253, 194, 74, 138, 224, 88, 171, 233, 26, 217, 179 }; public static String Decrypt(Byte[] Data, Byte Length) { Byte[] BufferOut = new Byte[Math.Min((Int32)Length, 32)]; for (Int32 x = 0; x < Math.Min((Int32)Length, 32); x++) { BufferOut[x] = (Byte)(Own_Key[x * 44 % 32] ^ Data[x]); BufferOut[x] = (Byte)(Tow_Key[x * 99 % 32] ^ BufferOut[x]); } return Encoding.Default.GetString(BufferOut).Replace(“\0“, “”); } }
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