ملفات تختيم الالعاب

ملف تختيم لعبة TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE DARK SPARK تختيم كامل

من اجل التسطيب:

1. تحميل وافتح الارشيف. واتبع باقى الخطوات

2. Unzip the TransformersRotDS folder to: C: \ Users \ YOUR NAME \ Documents \ My Games (if you don’t have it, DO NOT CREATE IT, but go into the game and exit – you will see it!)

3. Unzip the “Localization” folder in: C: \ Program Files (x86) \ TRANSFORMERS – Rise of the Dark Spark \ TransGame (before that, check in which directory your game folder is located, it may differ from the above!) And agree to file replacement.

4. After all the unpacking, go to C: \ Users \ YOUR NAME \ Documents \ TransformersRotDS \ TransGame \ SaveData; You will see two new files: .transprofile and .checkpoint0.sav; rename them by prefixing their account name

[su_spoiler title=”تحميل اضغط هنا” icon=”plus-square-1″]اضغط هنا للتحميل[/su_spoiler]


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